How to Write an Art Tutorial You Can Sell Online – The Internet has reshaped the ways we share knowledge. Today, almost anyone can create and sell online courses—videos and in written formats included.

Selling an art tutorial online can be a great way to turn your passion into an additional income stream. Plus, it’s a passive source of income where you can sell even while you’re sleeping. Sure, you do the work upfront, but after that, you can sell your content multiple times, even years after publishing it.

It’s easier than ever to share your expertise. This much is true today when people have more time to learn new skills outside of their formal education.

In this article, we are covering topics that will help you write an art tutorial.

Why Create and Sell an Online Tutorial?

  • It’s easier than ever to share and sell content online with platforms like Etsy
  • It connects you with people who share the same passion as you
  • It is a low-cost business with great margins
  • It establishes your credibility and positions you as an expert in your niche
  • There is a wealth of free tools to help you create online tutorials
  • It comes with zero to low risks as it doesn’t require you to keep an inventory of products

Share Your Tutorials in PDF

Besides the potential direct profit, adding tutorials to your blog or sharing them on social media is an effective way to promote your business. By sharing a how-to process with your audience, you establish yourself as an expert in your field while at the same time, drive more traffic to your site.

You can put your great ideas onto a downloadable file like PDF. Whenever you feel like updating the document, you can easily convert it into a Word document using a PDF to Word converter. PDFBear is an online tool that lets you do just that. All you have to do is select the files you wish to convert, drag and drop them to the converter and wait for the process to complete.

The tool also allows you to edit a PDF file directly or convert it into other file formats such as JPG, Excel, PPT, and HTML or vice versa.
With all that said, the question is, what exactly should you discuss in a tutorial? Continue reading for the steps to write a great art tutorial.

Get Started: How to Create and Sell an Online Tutorial

1. Identify Your Topic

What would you write about? What ideas would you like to share? Choose a topic that covers your area of expertise and identify what skill level you’re targeting. For example, if you’re writing a crochet pattern for beginners, you might want to start with an easy one that includes diagrams and notes on how to hold a hook, crochet a chain, weave in the ends, etc.

The key here is to pick a subject area that interests you and start outlining the points you would like to cover throughout your tutorials.

2. Gather Tools

Also include a list of all the tools needed to make your creation—gather them up and take a picture of them. You might want to be specific with the colors of the yarn, their weight, and yardage and the size of the crochet hooks you’ll be using. Here, you’ll want to give your readers as much information as possible, which may also include tips on where they can purchase the tools.

3. Write, Photograph, and Record Each Step

A crochet pattern is exactly what it is: an instruction that guides someone else on how to achieve the same results as you did. You’ll want your audience to see how far you have come throughout the pattern. Therefore, aside from the written instruction or diagram, you will also want to include pictures of every part you finish.

For example, if you’re writing a pattern on how to make an orchid, it will probably be divided into the different parts of the flower: bud, petals, sepals, and leaves. Make sure to take pictures of them individually and when they’re assembled.

4. Publish Your Tutorial

With the steps above, you should now have worked your way through a great tutorial. This works pretty much the same as any other tutorial for other forms of art such as painting, drawing, calligraphy, etc.

All that’s left to do is to share it with people who will appreciate it. You can start by publishing it on your blog or other platforms where it will be discoverable—Pinterest, Ravelry, Etsy, and the likes. To maximize your visibility in search engines, make sure to also name your image files descriptively. Instead of using generic filenames like “image_1.jpg,” save them as “orchid_crochet_pattern.jpg” or the likes.

5. Promote

Besides publishing, you can also tap more established bloggers and influencers to post or link to your tutorials. Make sure that their audiences share the same interests as your target audience to maximize your potential of reaching out to people who would actually want to learn from you. All it takes is a little bit of legwork to get your tutorial going.


The key to creating an online tutorial that sells is to write an instruction to make your readers feel like they are in the same room with you as you guide them. Capture every stage of the process and inject a touch of your personality in your writing to connect with your audience. You can eventually move on to write tutorials for more advanced levels. It’s up to you to set the costs and what kind of content you wish to offer. You can also further expand your reach by making other forms of tutorials such as videos and multi-section courses.

With all these steps in mind, you’re on your way to not only sharing your expertise online but also establishing your credibility along the way.
Do you have any more tips to add to the list? Let us know by leaving a comment below.