If you are reading this article right now, something wonderful has probably happened in your life. The topic you are reading about is what you should wear if you suddenly strike it rich. Generally, when someone comes into a large sum of money and it is a joyful time, they have won the lottery. If that is your situation, congratulations!
So how should you dress when you suddenly find yourselves billionaires? We will give the basic information here and I urge you to stay with us. The spirit of the clothing industry is in a changing season. This may affect your opinion of your clothing choices, or at least it could give you some clues as to what may be happening if you see something that looks out of place while you are out at a luxury restaurant, theater, or party and see something that looks out of place.
Photo credit:https://www.pexels.com/@nadezhda-diskant-4165924
Table of Contents
There are a few rules we should mention for you. These rules apply to all styles from casual to elegant.
- Never wear logos or tags that can be seen. You are a millionaire, not a billboard for someone’s product.
- Never wear anything with the exception of maybe a tee-shirt at a backyard BBQ, that is not altered professionally.
- All of your clothes are to be professionally cleaned and pressed. If they are not – don’t wear them.
- Facial hair is to be trimmed or waxed every two to three weeks, male or female. Hair is to be styled or at least trimmed every 3-6 weeks depending on the style.
- If you can smell your cologne or perfume, you are wearing too much.
- Sandals and socks – just NO
Men will wear:
- Tennis (collared) shirt
- Polo shirt
- Button-down
- White, light blue, or a thin stripe
- Pants or shorts to the knee
- Khakis
- Well-fitting jeans in some cases
- Leather loafers
- Fine-polished tie-up shoes
Make sure you have a black suit, at least two colorful ties, nice print socks, and a good watch.
Women will wear
- Suits
- Collared shirts
- Skirts to the knee
- Tailored dresses or dresses made by hand
- Capris made of dress-pant material
- Button-down shirts
- Make sure you have a little black dress, at least one colorful silk scarf, a string of pearls, and an evening clutch. Your shoes must be comfortable and in a style that looks nice with the dress.
Photo credit: Tim Douglas
Save the planet!
Wealthy people buy quality clothing made of good material. Wool, cotton, leather, and even some cashmere blends will suit them. The aim of buying sustainable products is to buy products that you can use longer and keep in good condition longer, and when you have to part with it, do so with as little damage to the earth and ecosystem as possible. People are different. They have different needs, health, and lives. They live in different climates and circumstances. So, Bob could possibly wear his 100% wool blend jacket for 10-years, where the harsh environment that Stan lives in, only allows him to get 2-years from his. Does that mean the coat is not sustainable? No. It may not be the best choice for Stan, or it may be the best he can hope for. It is a living and ever-growing thing that has to be controlled daily.
What the new generation is complaining about is this. We have a huge pollution problem weaved into this issue. They are aware. The planet is suffering. The people who live near them are suffering. Yet, they refuse to address it. And the reason why is so they can yank open their doors every year and pull out the latest flashy style, on some fake, man-made material, to make everyone think they are the latest and greatest. The millennials are saying NO MORE! Here are just a few reasons why. Research shows that the average person (including teens) does not ever wear 3 out of the 5 pieces of fast fashion they own. These are not sustainable fabrics. They are new, not torn or dirty. They are not given away or donated. To make them it caused a good deal of air pollution and water pollution. There is a lot of clothing dye and other particles let out into the natural water which has managed to get to the sea and contaminate it with plastics. The same people grow cotton for clothes. With a shortage of water, this hurts the people and animals, as well as the food they need to grow. In order to grow enough cotton plants to make one shirt, it would take the water that an adult would require to live for 3-days.
Instead of buying fewer clothes, repairing them and wearing them longer or swapping them with friends, we donate some and throw away the worst. A few stores will take our donations and give us a coupon, then they will donate them. The donation centers will sell a few of them and when they are overloaded they will throw them in the landfill. Our clothes, shoes, and boots will sit in the landfill for around 200 years. All the while they will emit Methane gas, which is deadly. While that is happening ton after ton is being added on top of it every day.
We have to stop making things that are killing us. We have to stop buying more than we need and things that we are not going to use. We have to sustain our home planet if we hope it will continue to sustain us. It is an easy concept. How many shoes do we need? I count two feet.