
Network Administrators are the engineers who are involved in computer networks and are in charge of network administrator.

The terms network administrator, network specialist and network analyst are designating to those job positions in which engineers are involved in computer networks.

It includes the deployment, maintenance and monitoring of the network gear such as Switches, Routers, Firewalls, etc.

However, Some other activities such as maintenance of network facilities such as drivers and settings of Computers and Printers are frequently included.

Sometimes maintenance of some types of servers such as VPN, Intrusion Detection Systems, etc.

What are the Main Objectives of Network Administrator?

  • Improve the continuity in the operation of the network with adequate mechanisms of control and monitoring, resolution of problems and provision of resources.
  • And also, make efficient use of the network and make better use of resources, such as bandwidth.
  • Reduce costs through cost control and better collection mechanisms.
  • Make the network more secure, protecting it against unauthorized access, making it impossible for outsiders to understand the information that circulates in it.
  • However, control changes and updates in the network so that they cause the least possible interruptions in the service to users.
  • Let us add that, provide support services

What Skills needed for Network Administrator?

  • Today, the network infrastructure is an essential part of most companies.
  • Not having a network can cause unavoidable financial losses and, in some isolated cases, can even lead to bankruptcy.
  • The network administrator must be able to monitor network activity and call technicians quickly in case of congestion or accessibility problems.
  • You must have precise knowledge of all network equipment, different communication protocols, the OSI Model, and various network architectures.
  • And also, he is in charge of managing user accounts, creating accounts for new staff members, and deleting them when they no longer belong to the company.
  • With the head of security, the network administrator is in charge of implementing adequate protection measures, monitoring activity logs, and controlling security alerts.
  • However, to anticipate potential hazards, you should implement a recovery plan defining what must be complete to re-establish access as soon as possible, following the company’s security policy.

What is the Essential Knowledge for Network Administrator?

Operating Systems

  • Server operating systems are naturally critical. You must know the natural Windows server (at this time Windows 2003), Unix and Linux and Solaris.
  • On larger systems, Cobol CICS / DB2 / Natural Adabas or AS / 400 combinations with all their extensions and AIX is requiring.

Network protocols

  • Know in-depth on how computers communicate with each other.
  • The whole TCP model is fundamental.

Network tools

  • Know in-depth the different network control tools. e.g.: ( Nessus, Tcpdump and Snort ).
  • Be aware of the various possibilities that are opening up in the market.
  • Both because of the possibility of updating or acquiring new software that allows you to streamline the network or save costs, as well as the fact of being aware of new threats and possible solutions.
  • Consider the security and integrity of data are fundamental.
  • Use intrusion detection tools, trace control, etc.

Make frequent backups

  • Know programming fundamentals.
  • Example of a Linux system
  • The network administrator must know the passwords for the root account of the machines he manages.
  • From that account, you can configure services and establish policies that will affect all users.
  • Some of the tasks that can only be complete from this account are:
  • Firstly, name of the account that allows you to manage a Linux system.
  • Secondly, shut down the computer (although by default in Debian this operation can be performed by any user).
  • Lastly, configure the programs that start together with the system.

Manage user accounts.

  • Firstly, manage programs and installed documentation.
  • Secondly, configure programs and devices.
  • Set the geographical area, date and time.
  • Manage disk space and maintain backup copies.
  • Configure services that will work on the network.
  • And also, fix problems with devices or programs.
  • However, work that is sometimes the most expensive, but that will become easier the more you learn about the system and the network under your care.

What are the responsibilities of Network Administrator?

Some many tasks and responsibilities can be in the hands of a network administrator.

These will depend on the size, needs and complexity of the networks of the company you work.

The tasks of the network administrator will be grouped into four phases or blocks:

1.Design and planning


3. Maintenance

4. Expansion of the network.

If we dig a little deeper, within the four phases indicated above, these are some of the primary responsibilities of the network administrator position.

Before installing, designing, and planning your network, determine what type of system can best suit your organization.

In large companies, this task is performing by a network architect.

  • Firstly, Installation of network systems and different computers.
  • Secondly, Diagnose and solve possible problems with network hardware, software and systems.
  • Monitor the operation of networks and systems to prevent failures and solve them, as well as to keep the network always safe and updated.
  • Network maintenance. Solve any faults that may arise. Add new machines if required to the network host.
    And also, manages the security of this and network services such as email. Also you can find more helpful resources at imtechies.

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In addition, you can read more helpful resources at worldbeautytips