Local Guides Program

Local Guides Program share content on different business listings like yours to help potential clients choose where to go and what to do.

It is a global community of users who write reviews, share photos, answer questions, add or edit locations, and verify information posted on Google Maps.

Millions of users rely on contributions from Local Guides to find out what your business has to offer.

The positive impact of the contributions of Local Guides on Maps

  • Local Guides share content in Maps to help both users and businesses in their communities.
  • Thanks to their assistance, Maps cards stay up to date, and companies are more credible in customers’ eyes.
  • Local Guides help improve the Maps experience in several ways. Here are some of their main contributions.

Local Guides on Maps

1. Customer Reviews and Answers

  • To support customers get a feel for the places they are interested in, Local Guides write reviews and answer questions about the places they have visited.
  • They share their experience and are likely to include additional tips or details that are hard to find elsewhere.
  • Customers rely a lot on reviews when choosing a property. The more opinions there are, the better.

Customer Reviews and Answers

2. Photos and Videos

  • Local Guides present establishments from the customer’s perspective by uploading photos and videos.
  • They are also likely to highlight specific details about an establishment (for example, a delicious dish that they recommend trying, exciting products to discover, or accessibility features that they find useful to point out.)

Photos and Videos


  • A label is associated photo to distinguish between images by the establishment and Local Guides.

3. Accuracy of Information

  • Local Guides ensure that information such as hours of operation, phone number, website address, and more are up to date.
  • They also help flag spam-type content (for example, inappropriate photos or reviews, or duplicate listings).

Accuracy of Information

All about Google Local Guide

How does it work?

  • As engaging as it is relevant, the free Local Guide program is no exception.
  • Its use requires the understanding of critical principles to benefit from its multiple advantages.

Who can participate?

  • Anyone over 18 can contribute to the program. Indeed, the Local Guide is open to all individuals wishing to help their community by enriching Google services‘ information.
  • Depending on the occasion and its desires, each guide will answer the questions Internet users have about a brand by publishing its rating.
  • It is sometimes associated with photos or a comment, according to the framework provided by Google.

How to become a Google Local Guide?

  • To be part of the Local Guide program and have certain advantages, you need to:
  • To go on the Google Local Guide website, Register or link your Google account
  • Contribute on Google Maps (share an opinion on your favorite establishment, post a photo of a dish you have eaten, add an establishment to help Internet users) to get points and level up

How to contribute to the program

  • There are several means to contribute to the Google Local Guides program. The contributions do not all bring the same number of points.
  • Some points are more challenging to get than others.

Obtaining the Google Local Guide badge

  • Between levels 4 and 10, guides get a badge that reveals their story. As previously mentioned, the latter is exciting because it is visible through the various Google tools.
  • For example, when a Local Guide provides feedback about a restaurant, they will display their badges next to their review.
  • Consumers, seeing a badge next to feedback, will more easily trust the user’s words.
  • For a conscientious and involved guide, this badge allows their constructive and relevant opinions to be read more by the community.
  • It is all the more critical when the user wishes to disseminate a new publication warning his peers about untrustworthy establishments.

Obtaining the Google Local Guide badge

Rewards at every level

  • Besides, as the program progresses, benefits are unlocked for the guide.
  • Thus, it is then possible to join meetups in your region or even later to organize meetings between Google Local Guides.
  • Guides who have reached the most advanced levels of the program receive invitations to test products in previews or increase their Google-Drive storage.
  • However, it is essential to remind that Google does not pay Local Guides in any way.
  • Therefore, their involvement is never motivated by pecuniary rewards such as promo codes but rather by being the first people to test a brand’s services or products or to meet experts.

Rewards at every level

Certain benefits of being a local Google expert

  • Your opinion will be more valuable than the idea of other users who hardly participate.
  • It is essential when reporting false or negative comments and feedback. A local expert may report spam, and Google will most likely accept the request and remove the comment.
  • The local SEO guide is so important. You will contribute to the community and gain access to beta testing stages developed on Google Maps.
  • It is important to be alert of the upcoming changes to Google Maps.
  • You will receive special discounts available only to program members.
  • Will invit you to sponsor events where you can talk to other program participants and meet people.

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