Jobs Roles To Explore After Completing SQL Certification In 2022 – SQL is one of the most extensively used programming languages globally, and learning it opens up many doors for new work and job chances. Doing an SQL certification course will help you achieve great success in your journey. While some of these jobs may seem apparent, such as becoming a Software Engineer, you may not have considered a slew of other SQL-required jobs.

Databases are utilized daily in all aspects of business and are the backbone of many modern companies. SQL is used by almost all of the world’s largest IT organizations. According to Stack Overflow, SQL is the third most used programming language, after HTML/CSS and JavaScript.

Let’s look at some of the best jobs for SQL experts.

Business Analyst

Through business analysis, a Business Analyst assists firms in improving their processes, products, services, and software. Business analysts commonly use gap analyses to identify the steps required to move from a current state to a desired future state.

SQL can be used to discover gaps in data, such as dates or number sequences, where data is of relevance in the gap analysis. A thorough gap analysis is an integral part of any business study. Hence Business Analysts should have a basic understanding of SQL.

Data Scientist

A Data Scientist is an analytical expert that uses their knowledge of business, technology, and social science to identify trends and handle data on a large scale.

The Data Scientist has been dubbed “The Sexiest Job of the Twenty-First Century” by Harvard Business Review (HBR). “The shortage of data scientists is becoming a severe limitation in several areas,” according to HBR.

Data scientists are typically focused on applying machine learning techniques to extract the most value from data, but they aren’t necessary to have the same business knowledge and interpersonal skills as a business analyst.

Software Engineer

Computer programs are written by software engineers, who are the creative minds behind them. They create software that enables individuals to perform specific jobs using computers, such as laptops and smartphones. It’s no wonder that Software Engineering has been dubbed “one of the most crucial jobs of today and tomorrow” by Inc Magazine.

Knowing SQL is a prerequisite for being a sound Software Engineer. Furthermore, software engineers familiar with SQL are more likely to get paid more than their counterparts who are unfamiliar with SQL.

Database Administrator

A Database Administrator (DBA) is in charge of database software management in order to successfully store, organize, and access data. DBAs are often in charge of a team of SQL developers and must have a strong understanding of computer programming, software engineering, and data architecture.

A DBA’s job is to examine an organization’s data management, input, and security needs and assist in developing processes that support data access and security for SQL Server databases.

Quality Assurance Tester

The primary role of a Quality Assurance (QA) Tester is to evaluate new software products such as –  web applications, gaming systems, or mobile apps, for errors or difficulties. Reviewing and evaluating system specs, running test scripts, reviewing results, and providing thorough reporting and documentation are all part of the job description.


SQL is no longer exclusive to computer programmers and techies. We’ve seen an increase in demand for sql courses from product managers, MBAs, business analysts, and other non-software professionals. SQL is one of the five essential programming languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and SQL), and it’s one of the finest to learn if you’re looking to further your profession.