For most people, credit cards can be a crucial resource for finances, or they could even be a last resort, especially when money is tight. And with the ongoing pursuit of the pandemic, job losses have done a significant number on individuals as they face an economic burden and deal with difficulties in settling their housing or bill payments.

And if you’re not able to meet your payments on time, debt comes into play. With it, your financial headaches worsen as they could quickly add up, and you could be contacted with stressful phone calls and bombarding letters – all coming from one source: 11 Charter Communications.

Thus, if you ever find yourself in this not-so-pretty picture, one thing you could do is to read below and discover how to handle the situation by learning what the agency is properly and the ways to deal with it:

Is 11 Charter Communications Real?

11 Charter Communications is as real as it gets. It is a legitimate debt collection agency situated in St. Louis, Missouri, and usually shows up on your account when your payment is due.

Additionally, this agency handles accounts that range from credit cards, student loans, medical bills, car loans to even telecommunication services. There is no denying that when this agency appears on your account, it can do significant damage to you financially.

How Do I Deal With 11 Charter Communications?

Learning about how to deal with 11 Charter Communications is one way to get that financial burden out of your shoulders. So, if you’re wondering as to what these are, continue on reading below:

Hire A Reliable Company

One action you could act on when the collection agency contacts you is to hire a trustworthy company to help you handle the problem. With this, you could always check out Crediful if you want. Here, a pair of extra hands and a competent skill set will accompany you in repairing your credit score and taking 11 Charter off your mind.

Additionally, hiring a company allows you to ask for advice and assistance from professionals. As such, you could be informed of any wrong entries in your account and have it cleared immediately. Not only this, as they could also aid you in the future and give you tips on how to use your credit efficiently.

Thus, if you want a quick solution for your debt, hiring a reliable and reputable company is never the wrong way to go!

Get Informed Of Your Rights

Filing a dispute can be another way to act on it – but it would be beneficial if you get acquainted with your rights first-hand. By knowing such, you lessen any possibilities of getting harassed on the phone or even in person.

Also, you could know the time intervals and call limits the agency can make, giving you the right and freedom when you are at work or resting at home. With basic knowledge, you never get pushed to pay as you know the agency’s boundary.

Ask For A Letter Of Debt Validation

Mistakes are inevitable – even with the 11 Charter Communications. In the instance you think an error has been made and you’ve been accidentally contacted with existing debt, you could always ask for verification via a debt validation. This step is essential as it gives you a complete view of how much you need to pay if you have one.

Never hesitate to ask for a letter as debt collectors are always required to give you such if you ask for it. And if the agency can’t give you the document, they’re also required to remove your account’s collection!

Propose A Pay-For-Delete Deal

Paying the actual balance will not free you from the 11 Charter Communications’ grasp, as their name will always appear on your account for several years. However, one thing you could do to ease your burden when you’ve already obtained a debt verification letter is to negotiate a pay-for-delete deal.

As the name proposes, you pay the balance or even a part of it for the agency to delete the collection fee from your credit account. And although you’re not totally out of the agency’s grasp as their negative credit details are still lurking on your account, it will stop any upcoming phone calls or letters in the future.

Before you make the payment, though, be sure to get the agreement on paper to make it official!

Write A Goodwill Letter

To fully let go of this financial burden, you could write a goodwill letter to the agency. Enclosed within this letter is a sign of appeal that shows how the negative entries hurt your finances and give you an additional burden. It may seem like a dream, but a favor never hurts anyone.


Whether a mistake has been made or you have debt, knowing all of the aforementioned methods will give you an edge against this agency. Thus, by these simple solutions, you could easily make a comeback from your debts and live a life of financial recovery!